Diving bottle inspection
Diving bottles are subject to periodic inspection every 5 years according to the Ordinance of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (SDR). Between periodic inspections, a visual inspection must be carried out at an interval of 2.5 years.
During opening hours, you can personally bring your own diving bottles for inspection to us in Wallisellen or send them to us by mail or local courier:
Swiss Safety Center AG
Prüfstelle Druckgefässe
Richtistrasse 15
8304 Wallisellen
We additionally provide a collection point in Liebefeld for customers located in North West Switzerland, from the Bern Region and French-speaking Switzerland.
In order to benefit even more from our services in the future and to save time and effort, our competent partner Dräger Schweiz AG in Bern has set up a collection point for the inspection of your diving bottles. The possibility now already exists for you to conveniently deliver your diving bottles to:
Dräger Schweiz AG
Waldeggstrasse 30
3097 Liebefeld
and collect them approximately 2 weeks later, once inspected. Hence the long journey to Wallisellen is no longer necessary.
Bring the completed inspection order form with the diving bottles which you can download here or from the Dräger Schweiz AG homepage. This will save you time in the process. The bidirectional transport cost, in addition to the inspection cost, is 15.00 Swiss francs per bottle. You will receive a certificate for the inspected diving bottles when you collect them from Dräger Schweiz AG. The invoice will be delivered to you by post at the address provided.
Take advantage of this offer now!
Here’s how to find Dräger Schweiz AG Liebefeld